A Message from the Founder
I picture this fund working so well that we have soldiers waiting to get on the list. For obvious security reasons, we will be getting to know each individual that wants to exit as a community. We will be taking a lesson from Operation Olive Branch, verifyng individuals who are in the military and want to get out. How they get out will be worked out with experts in those fields; the purpose of ABLF is to help raise the funds for them to get out. Donors will choose who to sponsor. This way, the community makes the decision on who is pulled out next. This process will happen as fast as we want it to happen.
The bottom line is that we all want peace, and to make that happen, we have to trust each other. Here at ABLF, we are revolutionaries at heart. However, we have gone through the process of filing all of the paperwork necessary to make this thing official. I couldn’t care less about filing paperwork with the IRS just so they can track everything we do. However, I do understand that most of us feel more confident donating to a “registered 501c3 charity” rather than to someone’s “Cash App;” if the day ever comes that our “organization” gets shut down by the gvmnt, then grassroots we go. We will be like water.
Speaking to you not as an organizer, not as a business owner, a website designer, dog, cat and rat mom, estranged aunt, sister and daughter… Speaking to you from human to human, I am honestly here, providing a solution to a problem. We all want the same thing: to live in peace, in abundance, and in joy. We have a major problem in the world at the moment; a problem that is being imposed on us. Here is a foundation, who’s sole purpose is to essentially buy our boy’s and girl’s freedom; an opportunity for a massive wave of us to get behind a unified front at the same time; something that delivers a direct hit to the war machine’s gears.
No Soldiers; No Wars
-Geraldine Ramirez, Founder