ABLF at the June 8th Red Line Action at the White House
This banner was our small contribution to the action. Will have it ready for the July 24th action.
Today is June 14th, and only now, 6 days after the Red Line at the White House, am I able to sit down and write.
Aaron Bushnell Liberation Foundation is honored to have been official Endorsers of the June 8th action for Palestine. We arrived with our banner, our business cards, our t-shirts with Aaron’s face on them, and our kuffiyehs. But, unfortunately, we arrived about 4 hours too late. We had missed our opportunity to have 3 minutes on the mic, introducing ABLF to our community of freedom fighters.
It was a disappointment, but truth be told, our 3 members in attendance still felt like we had a successful, and historical, day that day. Upon putting up our banner that read “WE ARE THE RED LINE. RESIST BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY,” we sat and watched as countless people took pictures of and with our banner, which we had hung up right in front of the White House. It was such a feeling to know that even in this, the smallest of ways, we were speaking on behalf of our Palestinian mothers, fathers, sons and daughters.
We walked around the White House, handing out our cards, with our Executive Treasuerer, Francisco belting it out every time he approached someone: “Help us end complicity in genocide.” or “No Soldiers, No Wars.” He was very well-recieved but a few times, and most people thanked us for the work we are doing. We put stickers up on any surface available, and by the end of the night, we had people coming up to us and asking us what we are all about, curious because they had seen our business cards and stickers. We were interviewed by Kei from Breakthrough News, although I haven’t heard back from him, making me wonder if I just interviewed awfully; which wouldn’t be suprising given our lack of sleep and showers over the 24 hour road trip.
We have already sent in the forms to be official Endorsers of the next Red Line happening on the 24th of July, when a very specific war criminal will be visiting DC. We have also listed our van as a possible ride for up to 3 people. We would be going from New Mexico to DC, so if you’re anywhere East of New Mexico, I’m willing to bet we can figure out how to pick you up. We very firmly believe that every voice matters, and I know Gaza would want your voice there, too. And for this next event, we will be sure to arrive a day early.
I want to take this opportunity to ask you all for some help to get our Executive Treasurer, Savannah, from Houston, Texas to DC for the July 24th event. Although 2 of us will be road tripping it, Savannah is a loving mother who needs to be able to get back to her kids as soon as possible, so we are doing our best to raise the $350 for her round-trip flight. The system doesn’t make it cheap for us to oppose it, does it? We only have Cash App up and running for now, just until we get back all the paperwork necessary to open a bank account. If you’d like to help cover the costs of running around the country protesting for Palestine, please shoot us some bucks with Cash Tag $ABLiberation.
We should have our Shop page of the website up and running in a few days. We will be selling the usual swag with our logo and artwork on it in order to help raise funds for our brave young men and women who will do the right thing and exit the military when their people need them to.
On that note, I want to just stress this point: it is not lost on me, on us, that we are asking for your dollars at the same time that our family in Gaza is starving. Not lost on me at all. And I bear that weight every time I post a video, an article, and image asking for financial help. The way I see it, we are just one more front that can be used to help chip away at the foundation that zionism, capitalism, tyranny, war profitieering, and every other evil in the world, sit on. If this mission vibes with you, you will help us. That’s all there is to say about that.
Thank you all for the support you continue to show us. Your feedback to our mission is what is fueling us right now, so please keep it coming. Free Palestine! Free Humanity!