Proof of Palestine Benefit Auctions
The very first globe we found with “Palestine” labeled.
Somewhere in Florida while looking for a working typewriter in an antique mall, I found a beautiful antique globe. Instinctively, I checked if the territory that we are fighting for was labeled “Palestine” or “israel,” since I wasn’t about to buy it if it said “israel.” It was labeled Palestine. Although I wouldn’t say that I had the funds to do so, I felt that I just had to take this globe home with me. I searched through several other antique malls in between Florida and New Mexico, looking for maps, globes, atlases, books and artifacts that showed proof of Palestine’s existence. The more I searched, the more I realized that it was rare to find a globe that labeled The Holy Land “ Palestine” instead of “israel.” Looking through piles of coin currency from around the world, any Palestinian Lira, Pounds, or Shekels were nowhere to be found. Even when I found stashes of artifacts brought to the USA from abroad, including Pakistani hats, Vietnamese vases, and even Chinese robes, I found nothing related to Palestine.
When I finally did find another globe with Palestine shown on it, it’s $140 price tag scared me. I got on a call with the other 2 board members of ABLF, and we unanimously decided that it was important that we find the money to purchase this second globe. After that, I found an old Atlas that labels “Gaza” but not “Palestine.” A few items at a time, I started collecting all the Proof of Palestine that I could find.
There is a part of me that wants to keep every single piece that I find because I know how dedicated I would be to the preservation of these items. But there is no possible foreseeable means of purchasing all these items out of pocket, some of which can be hundreds of dollars, without running our pockets dry. So we decided to hold auctions for these antiques. Any profits will go straight into the Aaron Bushnell Liberation Foundation. We are requiring any bidder to show us that they are supporters of Palestine’s liberation. If you are a part of the resistance, we hope you will understand how important it is to make sure we preserve these findings. Please share these auctions and our mission with your Pro-Pali community. We are all fighting this fight together.
I want to take this opportunity to also talk about another point that I rarely have a chance to express. Most people in the United States are still unaware of the ter- ror- ist organization that is “the goverment.” We are spoon-fed a ridiculous amount of propaganda in order for us not to realize that our govements are the real ter- or 0ists of the whole world; so much so that it is invisible to most of us. So please, allow me to help bring it to your attention: Veteran Memorial Highways, Military Bases, Veteran Cemetaries, Military Surplus Stores, Billboards promoting the military, Caterpillar Dealers, fast food chains, nation-wide banks, and American flags on every doorstep. Overly-lifted trucks with stickers of american flags and guns, moms with bumper stickers that read “proud mom of an army serviceman”. If those soldiers were IOF, we would be appalled. If those flags were Israeli flags, we would be shocked. If we had monuments up praising IOF soldiers, we would break them down. But because they are American flags, American soldiers that did the exact same thing that IOF soldiers are doing, we don’t bat an eye.
This is a weapon created purely for colonization. And they are put on display like some sort of prize.
Tanks, fighter jets and humvees put on display in every other town so that we and our families drive past them and don’t even think twice about the fact that someone chose to put a weapon of mass murder up on display like some sort of statue needing praise. Searching through all these antique shops, it was exasperating to have to swim through piles and piles of Americana, which consists of knives, propaganda from the days of committing genocide against the native population of Turtle Island, Civil War artifacts, and Coca Cola memorabilia. When most Amercians see these items, they think “oh wow, a piece of history.’ When I see those items, I think “gross, proof of genocide.” Make no mistake, we are shoved military and war down our throats from the day we are born. If we are to break the war machine, we have to identify the enemy. Keep your eyes open. Notice it in every corner that it is hiding. Point it out to your family and friends, reminding them there there has never been “a war;” only colonization, self defense, and the murder of those trying to defend themselves.
Till Liberation and beyond,